About InfraHive
InfraHive - Build Complex AI workflows & agents with ease
InfraHive's AI infrastructure helps create powerful AI workflows and agents with ease. It makes AI development easier for businesses and lets them use Generative AI in their organizations without compromising privacy and data-leak.
InfraHive offers state-of-the-art date preprocessing methods, personalized fine-tuning of AI applications where you have access to advanced models through integrations with Anthropic’s Claude, Cohere AI, GPT 4, GPT 3.5, and Open Source Models like LlaMa as well. These solutions can be adjusted to fit each business's needs.
InfraHive's automated Data processing sets it apart from the competition, where you can process your data like never before. Doesn't matter if you are a developer or not, you can automate it with the best segmentation techniques available. If you are a professional, you can use your own custom methods too.
We're working with an in-house architecture called InfraSpeed to overcome the challenges of fine-tuning AI models. This innovative architecture can accelerate the training or tuning process by up to 15 times.
We are here to enable innovation, simplify the complex LLM application development processes and to be a global leader in Data fueled LLM development. We envision a future where accessing and utilizing cutting edge AI technologies is effortless and accessible to everyone.
InfraHive works with companies which use LLM apps in various fields like HR and job hiring, generative AI for interior design, sales support automation, healthcare domain and AI dubbing of videos and movies.
Any organization keen to leverage this novel technology can make use of InfraHive's simplified infrastructure.
In addition to that, InfraHive has been recipient of various recognitions such as the Winner of the TiE University Program- Chapter 2023, Accenture Innovation Challenge.